The Tree Of The Imagination, Rompecabezas
This standalone 3D puzzle is an intricate and dazzling balancing act with 38 colorful shapes that combine to form an exotic, abstract tree—plus countless bonus configurations—designed by renowned illustrator Bob Staake.

Alexander Calder meets Dr. Seuss with this brilliant puzzle that offers a unique building experience perfect for any puzzler or modern art enthusiast. The thirty-eight brightly colored die-cut pieces (called pARTz) fit together to form an astonishing standing sculptural art piece. You can also build countless simpler sculptures using fewer pARTz. One side of the 18×24-inch poster enclosed with the puzzle shows a dinosaur, a giraffe, a bird, and a plane as examples. The other side provides step-by-step instructions for building the Tree. This is an eye- and hand-engaging activity that will provide hundreds of hours of creative fun for puzzle lovers, art lovers, and tinkerers of all ages.

699.00 699.0 MXN
Rewordable Card Game: The Uniquely Fragmented Word GameCard Game
Learning ® Magazine 2020 Teachers’ Choice℠ Award for the Classroom • Winner of a Parents’ Choice Gold Award • Recommended by Mensa Mind Games®

The Kickstarter-funded, uniquely fragmented word game, intuitive and fun for 2-8 players ages 8+ of all skill levels!

Every letter counts in a game of Rewordable! Each of the 120 cards has been selected for optimal word crafting. Build a new word and be rewarded—or add to other players’ words to steal their points. Create the largest lexicon of words by the end of the game to become the Rewordable champion. This variable deck was carefully crafted to make it easier to form longer, more common words, and offers a fresh linguistic experience every game. Happy word-making!
659.00 659.0 MXN
Rompecabezas 1000 pzs Frida´s Garden
Pasa tiempo en el Jardín de Frida en la floreciente compañía de animales animados, flores coloridas y suculentas exuberantes, follaje verde... y la más misteriosa de las criaturas, Diego.

19 3/4 x 27 ½ (50cm x 70cm)
540.00 540.0 MXN
Tarot De Los Animales (Incluye Libro y Cartas)
El amor de los animales es incondicional; ellos siempre muestran sus sentimientos de manera auténtica y genuina. Esa es la razón por la que estos ángeles sanadores han sido enviados para ayudarnos a abrir nuestros corazones, a dar y recibir cariño, y actúan también como maestros que nos enseñan a estar presentes y conscientes. Doreen Virtue y Radleigh Valentine comparten en esta obra los delicados mensajes de "las criaturas grandes y pequeñas" de Dios, desde el oso polar hasta la libélula pasando por el caniche mini o el san bernardo.

540.00 540.0 MXN
Maratón Edicion Conmemorativa 30 Años
Cuenta con 3600 preguntas de respuesta directa, y sí incluye ficha de la Ignorancia, ya que está dirigido a fans. Su diseño es elegante y festivo por tratarse de una edición conmemorativa.
600.00 600.0 MXN
Kit de papelería FERA

"Un set de papelería interactiva para registrar tus paseos cotidianos Escrito por Aniko Villalba e ilustrado por María Luque

El Kit de exploración no es un set de papelería tradicional; no está pensado para coleccionar, ni para guardar y mucho menos para dejar en blanco. Es papelería para usar. Cada elemento del kit tiene disparadores escritos por Aniko Villalba e ilustrados por María Luque para que te pongas en modo exploración, documentes lo que te llama la atención durante tus paseos cotidianos y compartas tus descubrimientos. Este set de papelería interactiva incluye:

● 12 cartas con propuestas para ponerte en modo exploración, tanto adentro como afuera de tu casa.
● 24 checklists para documentar todo lo que llame tu atención.
● 24 papeles de carta para compartir tus experiencias con otras personas, lugares y con vos misma.
● 6 sobres para enviar algunas de tus cartas.
● Una libreta para ampliar tus registros, anotar sensaciones o hacer dibujos. Las consignas son solo sugerencias, no hay una manera correcta o incorrecta de interpretarlas. Además, hay varias páginas sin propuestas para que las llenes como quieras. ¡Qué este kit te acompañe y te inspire en tus próximos recorridos!"
600.00 600.0 MXN
Cinephile: A Card Game
Play quizmaster at home or over video chat with this “stylish and addictive card game for film nerds” (GQ), featuring, 150 cards and multiple ways to play.

This card-based party game is a well-crafted mix of sleek design, pop culture, and film—sure to be a hit at any game night, family gathering, movie night, or even as an ice breaker for your new book club. With multiple ways to play based on difficulty level ranging from casual movie-goer to bonafide film nerd, Cinephile will have you and your friends racking your brains for Sean Connery’s lesser-known films, Cate Blanchett’s filmography, and Steve Buscemi’s most memorable cameos.
599.00 599.0 MXN
Another Round
Shake up your next cocktail hour with these 200 multiple-choice trivia cards that cover drink-making pop culture, history and lore, recipes and techniques, and travel.

What’s the one drink mentioned by name in The Great Gatsby? Which faux pas do bartenders consider bad luck when garnishing a drink with olives? Prove your cocktail expertise with this trivia game written by the editors of PUNCH, an award-winning online magazine covering wine, beer, spirits, and cocktails. An enclosed booklet offers instructions, tips for bartending, and 10 unique cocktail recipes. Whether you’re hosting a proper trivia night and playing competitively or setting the cards out as conversation starters, Another Round is the ultimate ice-breaker.
599.00 599.0 MXN
Write On: My Story Journal
A learning tool disguised in fun, Write On is filled with helpful tips for creating stories — narratives, poems, comics, song lyrics — true ones, made-up ones, and are-you-kidding-me ridiculous ones. Quirky writing prompts get the creative juices flowing, and a tear-out story card game gets the stories rolling. When it’s complete, the journal becomes a one-of-a-kind keepsake kids will be proud to share. Bonus: Inside are two sheets of bookplate stickers for reviewing and sticking into favorite books.
590.00 590.0 MXN

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