Stylemap Rosa Cdmx Español/ingles
Stylemap Mexico City
Presented by Guías DF -the best guides to the Mexican capital-, Stylemap is an invitation to take your place in one of the most dynamic, creative and exceptional cities in the world. Elegant, visual and well-informed, this guide offers the highlights of Mexico City to explore its most surprising, historic and energetic neighborhoods. Stylemap covers everything a traveler or resident needs to know about the DF: world-class museums, important galleries, five-star restaurants, shopping options and flea markets, as well as cafes and places to take a break. Designed for adventurous travelers, Stylemap tells you where to go and who you'll meet when you're there. Stylemap: the most intelligent introduction to the pleasures of Mexico City.
99.00 99.0 MXN
Stylemap Mexico City
Presented by Guías DF -the best guides to the Mexican capital-, Stylemap is an invitation to take your place in one of the most dynamic, creative and exceptional cities in the world. Elegant, visual and well-informed, this guide offers the highlights of Mexico City to explore its most surprising, historic and energetic neighborhoods. Stylemap covers everything a traveler or resident needs to know about the DF: world-class museums, important galleries, five-star restaurants, shopping options and flea markets, as well as cafes and places to take a break. Designed for adventurous travelers, Stylemap tells you where to go and who you'll meet when you're there. Stylemap: the most intelligent introduction to the pleasures of Mexico City.
99.00 99.0 MXN
Destino Japón
La guía que no puede faltar en tu maleta. Todo lo que necesitas para planificar tu viaje soñado a Japón. Japón es el destino soñado de infinidad de viajeros. Un país que enamora al visitante por su extraordinaria riqueza cultural, su deliciosa gastronomía, la educada amabilidad de sus gentes o la espectacularidad de su variada naturaleza. Destino Japón condensa la esencia del país del Sol Naciente y te ayuda a preparar tu viaje para sacarle el máximo partido a tu estancia. Un Japón a la medida de cada viajero, independientemente del presupuesto, edad o intereses. Ya sea tu primera visita o si eres viajero frecuente, Destino Japón no puede faltar en tu maleta. - Consejos útiles para planificar tu viaje. - Datos completamente actualizados y revisados pospandemia. - Mapas detallados e itinerarios accesibles para moverte con facilidad y confianza. - Amplia información práctica: transporte, alojamiento, festivales y fiestas, museos, compras, breve diccionario… - Consejos y recomendaciones de expertos: cuándo visitar cada lugar de interés, qué hacer y qué ver, lugares imprescindibles y lugares secretos. - Experiencias inspiradoras para todos los bolsillos. - Amplio enfoque cultural para obtener una experiencia de viaje más rica y gratificante: historia, tradiciones, paisaje, vida silvestre, gastronomía, sociedad... Ver menosDetalles
730.00 730.0 MXN
A Very British Book on Contemporary. México
The Mexico-United Kingdom Dual Year is an occasion to celebrate the long tradition of British Travellers who have explored the remotes corners of Mexico.
550.00 550.0 MXN
La Roma
Alberto Ruy Sánchez

La Roma puede ser vista de mil maneras, como tantas de nuestras manifestaciones culturales. La mirada de Artes de México es una más. A través de estas páginas queremos que cada uno de nuestros lectores vaya creando y recreando su propia visión de la colonia.
350.00 350.0 MXN
Ciudad De Mexico Insolita Y Secreta
El café olvidado donde se reunieron Fidel Castro y el Che Guevara, un homenaje a los fantasmas de la ciudad, un mamut en el metro, una cueva convertida en santuario, unos mosaicos de 1930 en un aparcamiento, un escondido retablo barroco elaborado con papel maché, un pueblo creado según los principios de la Utopía de Tomás moro, unas joyas del arte virreynal en unos cuartos secretos....
580.00 580.0 MXN
THE ABSOLUTE 100 GUIDE. 100 Lugares en México
Stylemap Mexico City, Presented by Guías DF -the best guides to the Mexican capital-, Stylemap is an invitation to take your place in one of the most dynamic, creative and exceptional cities in the world. Elegant, visual and well-informed, this guide offers the highlights of Mexico City to explore its most surprising, historic and energetic neighborhoods. Stylemap covers everything a traveler or resident needs to know about the DF: world-class museums, important galleries, five-star restaurants, shopping options and flea markets, as well as cafes and places to take a break. Designed for adventurous travelers, Stylemap tells you where to go and who you'll meet when you're there. Stylemap: the most intelligent introduction to the pleasures of Mexico City.
99.00 99.0 MXN
STYLEMAP MEXICO CITY The connoiseur s guide (Inglés)
Stylemap Mexico City, Presented by Guías DF -the best guides to the Mexican capital-, Stylemap is an invitation to take your place in one of the most dynamic, creative and exceptional cities in the world. Elegant, visual and well-informed, this guide offers the highlights of Mexico City to explore its most surprising, historic and energetic neighborhoods. Stylemap covers everything a traveler or resident needs to know about the DF: world-class museums, important galleries, five-star restaurants, shopping options and flea markets, as well as cafes and places to take a break. Designed for adventurous travelers, Stylemap tells you where to go and who you'll meet when you're there. Stylemap: the most intelligent introduction to the pleasures of Mexico City.
99.00 99.0 MXN
Stylemap Mexico City, Presented by Guías DF -the best guides to the Mexican capital-, Stylemap is an invitation to take your place in one of the most dynamic, creative and exceptional cities in the world. Elegant, visual and well-informed, this guide offers the highlights of Mexico City to explore its most surprising, historic and energetic neighborhoods. Stylemap covers everything a traveler or resident needs to know about the DF: world-class museums, important galleries, five-star restaurants, shopping options and flea markets, as well as cafes and places to take a break. Designed for adventurous travelers, Stylemap tells you where to go and who you'll meet when you're there. Stylemap: the most intelligent introduction to the pleasures of Mexico City.
99.00 99.0 MXN

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