So Different, So Equal
"So Different, So Equal is a board book for children from 2 to 5 years old. This story helps children to learn about what diversity is and how to fight bullying at school. No one is perfect, and we must accept others as they are.Lula is a little turtle who has just started in a new school. But she is surprised to find that her new classmates make fun of her because of how slow she is. The teacher notices and, through a game, makes them see that they all have strengths and weaknesses. He teaches them that no one is perfect and that we have to respect each other because, deep down, we are all as different as we are the same. At the end of the book, the word RESPECT is spelled out by the initial of each animal character in the story.It's a highly recommended book for 2 to 5-year-old children, ideal to read the day before starting school. Children learn not to laugh at others. It's the anti-bullying book."
450.00 450.0 MXN
NUMBERS and emotions
"Numbers and emotions es un libro en inglés para niños a partir de 1 año y medio hasta los 4 años.Sandra Alonso, la autora, es una maestra de educación infantil que con este libro ha conseguido juntar dos necesidades en un único libro: aprender qué forma tienen los números y presentar diez emociones distintas. El utilizar un gesto o idea para cada emoción ayuda a que el niño las interiorice y las pueda expresar.El libro tiene todos los números, del uno al diez, con bajo relieve para que los niños puedan jugar a reseguir su forma. Se relaciona cada número con una emoción y un gesto o concepto. Sirve para aprender los números resiguiendo su forma y conocer hasta diez emociones distintas. El texto está escrito en letra de PALO.Es un cuento divertido para explicarlo a los más pequeños, ya que se puede hacer un poco de teatro al contarlo gestualizando las emociones. Las ilustraciones tienen fondos lisos de colores llamativos, que destacan los dibujos para niños de edades tempranas.Alicia Teba, la ilustradora, ha acompañado el texto con unas ilustraciones fantásticas y dulces que consiguen destacar en unos fondos de color."
450.00 450.0 MXN
My Family is Special
"Family diversity seen through fantastic illustrationsSpectacular illustrations take us into a story starring many animals, where a centennial grandmother invites her family to her birthday party.In addition to the story, you can play to find repeated elements within each illustration. Will you be able to find them?The text is written in capital letters."
450.00 450.0 MXN
PISTOL es mucho más que la biografía de un jugador de baloncesto. Está construida con la misma materia que las grandes novelas clásicas. PISTOL cuenta la historia de un chico transformado por el sueño de su padre, y el peaje que toda la familia acaba pagando por ese sueño. Mark Kriegel captura en esta conmovedora historia la apasionante saga de una familia americana: su ascensión, su aparente ruina y, finalmente, su redención.
570.00 570.0 MXN
Appearance Stripped Bare : Desire and the Object in the Work of Marcel Duchamp and Jeff Koons
Appearance Stripped Bare is the first book to explore the connection between the work of Jeff Koons and that of Marcel Duchamp, two of the most influential artists of the 20th century. Despite the decades that separate their respective creative universes, both artists questioned the function of objects and the fascination with consumer goods, developed individual but complementary philosophies on desire and taste, proposing new ways of thinking about art and The I.
550.00 550.0 MXN
The Underdogs
Mariano Azuela

Hailed as the greatest novel of the Mexican Revolution, The Underdogs recounts the story of an illiterate but charismatic Indian peasant farmer’s part in the rebellion against Porfirio Díaz, and his subsequent loss of belief in the cause when the revolutionary alliance becomes factionalized. Azuela’s masterpiece is a timeless, authentic portrayal of peasant life, revolutionary zeal, and political disillusionment.
330.00 330.0 MXN
Fever Dream
A young woman named Amanda lies dying in a rural hospital clinic. A boy named David sits beside her. She’s not his mother. He's not her child. Together, they tell a haunting story of broken souls, toxins, and the power and desperation of family.
410.00 410.0 MXN
The Stoner's Coloring Book
Settle down with your “kindest buds,” a stash of junk food, and plenty of good vibes to enjoy this ultimate marijuana lover’s companion to coloring.

With over 40 original illustrations from the minds of nine artists, this adult coloring book is a must-have for the cannabis connoisseur. These coloring pages plumb the depths of human imagination and creativity–not to mention the trippy or otherwise hilarious aspects of life. The Stoner’s Coloring Book was created for elves, fairies, magi, poets, saints, sadhus, gurus, lovers, and other wise beings. Set aside your worries, breathe deeply, and find your childlike Zen through the joy of coloring.
480.00 480.0 MXN
Modern Romance
Aziz Ansari

A hilarious, thoughtful, and in-depth exploration of the pleasures and perils of modern romance from Aziz Ansari, the star of Master of None and one of this generation’s sharpest comedic voices

At some point, every one of us embarks on a journey to find love. We meet people, date, get into and out of relationships, all with the hope of finding someone with whom we share a deep connection. This seems standard now, but it’s wildly different from what people did even just decades ago. Single people today have more romantic options than at any point in human history. With technology, our abilities to connect with and sort through these options are staggering. So why are so many people frustrated?
389.00 389.0 MXN
General In His Labyrinth
Gabriel García Márquez

General Simon Bolivar, “the Liberator” of five South American countries, takes a last melancholy journey down the Magdalena River, revisiting cities along its shores, and reliving the triumphs, passions, and betrayals of his life. Infinitely charming, prodigiously successful in love, war and politics, he still dances with such enthusiasm and skill that his witnesses cannot believe he is ill. Aflame with memories of the power that he commanded and the dream of continental unity that eluded him, he is a moving exemplar of how much can be won—and lost—in a life.
378.00 378.0 MXN

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