Albert Oehlen / Pd.
En esta extensa monografía dedicada a Albert Oehlen trazamos los audaces conceptos y planteamientos que han caracterizado el innovador arte de Oehlen desde los inicios hasta la actualidad. Ya sean fragmentos de collages o pinturas dactilares, más de 400 obras destacadas descubren la innovación que convirtió a Oehlen en el “pintor abstracto vivo más ingenioso”.
2,170.00 2170.0 MXN
All-american Ads Of The 70s (pasta Dura)
Eclipsados e influidos por la televisión, en Estados Unidos los anuncios impresos de la decada de 1970 se alejaron de las formas gráficas atrevidas y de los mensajes sutiles típicos de los sesenta. Los anuncios de los setenta, más literales y directos, buscaban captar la atención de un público acostumbrado a la estridente publicidad de la televisión.

Pero no todo estaba perdido. Los anuncios son un signo de los tiempos, y la conciencia racial y ecológica se infiltró en todo, desde los cigarrillos hasta los anuncios de automóviles, para recordar a los estadounidenses que los productos cotidianos propios de la era moderna. En un intento por descubrir la mejor manera de comunicarse con las masas, los especialistas en marketing estudiaron los grupos de público objetivo con furiosa determinación, lo que dio pie a joyas del humor involuntarias como “las hermanas son diferentes de los hermanos”, lema utilizado en un producto para el cabello afroamericano. Sin embargo, a finales de la decada, la publicidad impresa había empezado a recuperarse y a ganar en originalidad y creatividad a medida que se enfocaba en los públicos objetivo con una presencia cuidadosamente elegida en publicaciones más pequeñas.
1,249.00 1249.0 MXN
Almanaque Pictoline 2022 Full
¡Lo mejor del 2022 hecho visual! Una edición única y limitada a 2,022 libros con lo más representativo del año en imágenes. 300 páginas con ilustraciones, infografías, cómics y más. Contiene una tarjeta de semillas y stickers coleccionables. El Almanaque Pictoline es tradición desde el 2016, ¡colecciónalos todos!
399.00 399.0 MXN
Alquimia & Mistica (Bibliotheca Universalis)
Alexander Roob
Un viaje fantástico por la historia de la tradición esotérica
580.00 580.0 MXN
2,200.00 2200.0 MXN
América Latina Golpeada/ Battered Latin America
Scratched, scarified and incised photographs depict the grim physical reality of decades of political struggle across various locales in Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Cuba and Mexico.
1,100.00 1100.0 MXN
Ando. Complete Works 1975-Today / Pd.
Tadao Ando

Descubra al maestro de la sencillez en la modernidad, Tadao Ando. Hemos convertido nuestro tributo en formato XXL en uno más pequeño y manejable con una colección que abarca la carrera completa del arquitecto. Incluye proyectos como el Shanghai Poly Grand Theater y el Centro Roberto Garza a Monterrey, México, con perfiles de cada estructura a través de fotografías y dibujos arquitectónicos.
700.00 700.0 MXN
Andy Warhol: Love, Sex & Desire: Drawings 1950-1962
Well before Andy Warhol’s rise to the pinnacle of Pop Art, he created and exhibited seductive drawings celebrating male beauty. Andy Warhol Love, Sex, & Desire: Drawings 1950-1962 features over three hundred drawings rendered primarily in ink on paper portraying young men, many of them nude, some sexually charged, and occasionally adorned with whimsical black hearts and delightful embellishments. They lounge or preen, proud of or even bored by their beauty, while the artist sketches them, rapt. They rarely engage with their keen observer, and likewise Warhol’s focus is on their form, their erotic qualities, and unbridled sexuality. If his subjects are content to revel in their attractiveness, so too is Warhol. His confident hand illustrates a multitude of colorful characters, yet also reveals much about this enigmatic artist.
2,800.00 2800.0 MXN
Annie Leibovitz Ltd/e
When Benedikt Taschen asked the most important portrait photographer working today, Annie Leibovitz, to collect her pictures in a SUMO-sized book, she was intrigued by the challenge. The project took several years to develop and when it was finally published in 2014, it weighed in at 26 kg (57 pounds).This incredible collection is now available in an accessible XXL book format. Leibovitz drew on more than 40 years of work, starting with the photojournalism she did for Rolling Stone magazine in the 1970s through the conceptual portraits she made for Vanity Fair and Vogue. She selected iconic images—such as John Lennon and Yoko Ono entwined in a last embrace—as well as portraits that had rarely, if ever, been seen before.The Annie Leibovitz SUMO covered political and cultural history, from Queen Elizabeth II and Richard Nixon to Laurie Anderson and Lady Gaga.“What I had thought of initially as a simple process of imagining what looked good big, what photographs would work in a large format, became something else,” Leibovitz says. “The book is very personal, but the narrative is told through popular culture. It’s not arranged chronologically and it’s not a retrospective. It’s more like a roller coaster.”Fans of Leibovitz and her many celebrated subjects can now enjoy that same roller coaster ride for themselves with this unlimited edition.

3,900.00 3900.0 MXN
Antiguo Egipto
Travel back in time with this picture-led guide and explore the magnificent monuments and fabulous tombs of Ancient Egypt. This book takes you through the history of one of the world's most extraordinary civilizations. You will venture inside pyramids and gaze upon the faces of mummies, come face-to-face with pharaohs such as Rameses the Great and Tutankhamun and sail down the Nile to the fabulous cities of Memphis and Thebes. DK Eyewitness Ancient Egypt brings the rich and powerful Eyptian kingdoms back to life in all their glory. This museum in a book uses striking full-colour photographs and illustrations of awe-inspiring tombs, crumbling papyruses, cryptic hieroglyphics, glittering jewellery and much more along with amazing facts, infographics, statistics, and timelines to reveal this civilization's secrets as never before. Part of the best-selling DK Eyewitness, which is now getting an exciting makeover, this popular title has been reinvigorated for the next generation of information-seekers and stay-at-home explorers, with a fresh new look, new photographs, updated information, and a new eyewitness feature - fascinating first-hand accounts from experts in the field.
1,050.00 1050.0 MXN

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