Art Language Uncompleted. The Philippe Meaille Collection
Art Language Uncompleted. The Philippe Méaille Collection aporta una perspectiva reveladora y minuciosa de una de las identidades estéticas más complejas de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. La desbordante personalidad literaria y escritural de Art Language –manifiesta en la gran cantidad de documentos y papeles amarillentos que forman una parte significativa de la Colección Philippe Méaille– supone un reto para la investigación artística institucional. Lo que finalmente descubrimos es algo tan contingente y diverso como la vida artística de una colaboración que ha evolucionado sin tregua desde los sesenta.
840.00 840.0 MXN
Art Record Covers
Francesco Spampinato
Since the dawn of modernism, visual and music production have had a particularly intimate relationship. From Luigi Russolo’s 1913 Futurist manifesto L’Arte dei Rumori (The Art of Noise) to Marcel Duchamp’s 1925 double-sided discs Rotoreliefs, the 20th century saw ever more fertile exchange between sounds and shapes, marks and melodies, and different fields of composition and performance. In Francesco Spampinato’s unique anthology of artists’ record covers, we discover the rhythm of this particular cultural history. The book presents 500 covers and records by visual artists from the 1950s through to today, exploring how modernism, Pop Art, Conceptual Art, postmodernism, and various forms of contemporary art practice have all informed this collateral field of visual production and supported the mass distribution of music with defining imagery that swiftly and suggestively evokes an aural encounter. Along the way, we find Jean-
700.00 700.0 MXN
Art Record Covers / 40th Ed. / Pd.
La historia del arte coge ritmo con esta antología única de portadas de discos hechas por artistas desde los años cincuenta del siglo XX hasta hoy. Más de 450 creaciones repasan la emocionante relación entre música y artes visuales a lo largo y ancho de la modernidad, el arte pop y el conceptual. Entre las piezas incluidas se encuentran la mariposa ensartada de Salvador Dalí para Jackie Gleason y el grafiti de Banksy para Blur.
810.00 810.0 MXN
Art-Of Pin Up
Dian Hanson

Since TASCHEN released The Great American Pin-up, international interest in this distinctly American art form has increased exponentially. Paintings by leading artists such as Alberto Vargas, George Petty, and Gil Elvgren that sold for $ 2,000 in 1996 are going for $ 200,000 and more today. Pin-up—drawings, paintings, and pastels of an idealized female face and figure intended for public display—was produced between 1920 and 1970 for calendars, magazine covers, and centerfolds. The majority of original paintings were discarded by publishers and calendar companies after printing, making the surviving art that much more precious.
2,170.00 2170.0 MXN
1,960.00 1960.0 MXN
Artists Against The Bomb
Pedro Reyes
Artists Against the Bomb is a poster campaign calling for universal nuclear disarmament. This group of posters comprises historical and newly commissioned pieces that range across different fields: graphic arts, film, photography, sculpture, music, poetry and fiction, as well as agitprop and records of activism. Sometimes these categories blur together, but they always have one thing in common: a sense of urgency that we as a species cannot wait for solutions to come from those at the top and that only public outrage and the spirit of protest will generate the critical mass necessary to produce change.

Artists Against the Bomb is designed for maximum agility and economic effectiveness, relying on a black and white palette both for its impact and ease of reproduction. We asked artists to ensure their works can exist on a variety of supports, ephemera such as posters, postcards, billboards, banners, flags, t-shirts and social media posts, as we aspire to achieve the widest possible circulation of this message.
950.00 950.0 MXN
Arts & Architecture
From the end of World War II until the mid-1960s, exciting things were happening in American architecture. Emerging talents were focusing on innovative projects that integrated at once modern design and low-cost materials. The trend was most notably embodied in the famous Case Study House Program, a blueprint for modern habitation championed by the era’s leading American journal, Arts & Architecture.

The complete facsimile of the ambitious and groundbreaking Arts & Architecture was published by TASCHEN in 2008 as a limited edition. This new curation—directed and produced by Benedikt Taschen—brings together all the covers and the highlights from the first five years of the legendary magazine, with a special focus on the Case Study House Program and its luminary pioneers including Neutra, Schindler, Saarinen, Ellwood, Lautner, Eames, and Koenig.

A celebration of the first brave years of a politically, socially and culturally engaged publication, this special selection is also a testimony to one of the most unique and influential events in the history of American architecture.
2,170.00 2170.0 MXN
Atlas de las Islas Imaginarias
Huw Lewis Jones
«Nacer es naufragar en una isla.» J. M. BARRIE. «Este es un archipiélago reunido como tributo. Trescientos años después de que Defoe descubriera el potencial de una isla como motor de creación de historias, un equipo de 68 ilustradores repartidos por todo el mundo comparte por primerísima vez los contornos y las costas de sus propias creaciones. Como ocurre con las estrellas durate el día, aunque no podamos verlas, no significa que no estén ahí.» Chris Riddell

799.00 799.0 MXN
Atlas del Cielo
"Con multitud de datos e imágenes sorprendentes, este tesoro ilustrado de cartografía celeste entreteje los grandes descubrimientos astronómicos con los mitos más sorprendentes y episodios olvidados de la historia. Desde Aristóteles hasta las últimas exploraciones interestelares, pasando por Einstein, encontrará historias sobre avistamientos de ovnis, criaturas lunares aladas, la persistente creencia de que existe un mar por encima de las nubes y la curiosa historia del aristócrata eduardiano que cartografió vida alienígena en Marte.Un complejo viaje por las culturas del mundo obsesionadas con las estrellas, desde los huesos de dragón chinos y los entierros celestes tibetanos hasta las túnicas de baile siberianas y los profetas estelares de Mongolia. He aquí el cielo como nunca se había retratado: el reino de las estrellas y los planetas, pero también de dioses, demonios, magos del clima, marineros voladores, alienígenas medievales, animales míticos y fantasmas desbocados."
930.00 930.0 MXN
Australia, país y continente a la vez, es incomparable por sus dimensiones y belleza y es una de las naciones más espectaculares del planeta. Su costa es extraordinaria, bordeada de arrecifes de coral únicos a ambos lados del país, ofrece kilómetros y kilómetros de playas aparentemente interminables, acantilados escarpados y bosques pluviales que casi tocan
799.00 799.0 MXN

Hola mundo